
Our range

Our added value

Your satisfaction is our number one priority, and so we guarantee the highest quality for all the services at your disposal, as well as our daily know-how and hands-on skills.


We are fully versed in the seafaring world with its players, its functioning, and its constraints.

__Valeur ajoutée : Expérience


Responsiveness, reliability, and professionalism are key performance factors that we are able to share with you on a daily basis. You can thus profit from our local teams’ experience and familiarity with the surroundings to adapt our services to your needs.

__Valeur ajoutée : Service


We have our own port logistics bases which enable us to warehouse the goods that we import and source locally.

__Valeur ajoutée : Infrastructures


Our logistics means, and notably our fleet of reefer trucks, guarantee fast quayside delivery to match your order.

__Valeur ajoutée : Logistiques

Our products

With over 10,000 references in stock, we guarantee quick availability.

Frozen goods

Frozen goods

  • Meats,
  • Fish,
  • Poultry,
  • Vegetables,
  • Fruit,
  • Bakery Goods,
  • Breakfast Pastries
Fresh & local products

Fresh & local products

  • Fruit & vegetables,
  • Dairy,
  • Cold Cuts & Charcuterie
Dry goods and grocery

Dry goods and grocery

  • Tinned Goods,
  • Spices,
  • Condiments,
  • Sweets,
  • Biscuits,
  • Flour,
  • Cereal,
  • ...
__Produits dry


  • Water,
  • Fruit juice,
  • Soft drinks
  • ...
Household products

Household products

  • Cooking Utensils,
  • Uniforms,
  • Bedding,
  • Linens
Hygiene & Perfumes

Hygiene & Perfumes

  • Soaps & Shampoos,
  • Body care,
  • ...


  • Small appliances,
  • Professional cooking equipment,
  • Office equipment,
  • Computer equipment,
  • Stereo and Hi-Fi materials,
  • Bathroom equipment
  • ...
Cleaning products

Cleaning products

  • Food cleansers,
  • Floor cleansers,
  • Kitchen cleansers,
  • Bathroom cleansers,
  • Cleaning accessories,
  • Detergents & Washing up Liquids,
  • ...
Marine Fittings

Marine Fittings

  • Mooring lines & Ropes,
  • PPE,
  • Bridge: Navigation accessories
    & assistance,
  • Deck: shackling, straps
    & lifting accessories,
  • ...
Tools & motors

Tools & motors

  • Power tools,
  • Manual tools,
  • Soldering & piping tools,
  • Consumables
    (Freon, Adhesives, Absorbents,
    Big Bags, bales of rags, etc..),
  • Bearings & filtration,
  • ...
Electric materials

Electric materials

  • Cables, plugs & fuses,
  • Bulbs & lights,
  • Batteries,
  • Measuring devices,
  • ...
Chemical products

Chemical products

  • Rig Washes,
  • Descaling & anti-rust,
  • Floor grease removal machines,
  • Deck & motor grease removers,
  • ...


  • Consumables for painting,
  • Thinners,
  • Primers, single components & bi-components,
  • Deck & motor grease removers,
  • ...
Oils & Grease

Oils & Grease

  • Motor,
  • Hydraulic,
  • Transmission,
  • Gear grease,
  • Bearing & cable grease,
  • ...


  • 7UP
  • Coca-Cola
  • Coca-Cola Light
  • Coca-Cola Zero
  • KitKat
  • Evian
  • Abera